Friday, May 22, 2015

claire conversations

Claire is quite the little chatterbox. I have no idea where she gets it from. A few recent highlights:

Regarding a random twenty something man in Target "ooh, that's a nice daddy". Perhaps that we could be a good opener if I was in fact on the prowl for a new man, but her own "nice daddy" was just a few feet away.

Singing "I like you just the way you are". This is a product of Daniel Tiger, but is adorable.

Shutting me in her room and saying "bye bye mommy, I love you" as she waltzes off.

Presiding from her perch, commanding birds and cars to "get back here"

And the last is nonverbal, but whenever we encounter someone on our runs, she gives them a beauty queen wave.

Friday, May 1, 2015

claire gets ready

One morning, Claire decided that she wanted to get ready too. After she was done applying her "make up", she told me "there, that's better".

spring essentials

Number one is babyganics spray lotion sunscreen. According to the ewg the chemicals in it will kill you, but I think the threat of melanoma is more realistic.

Floppy hats are next up. The girls know that they aren't allowed outside without one.

Bubbles are another top item. I love the fubbles brand- they don't spill when tipped over.

We picked up a couple of balls today- they were a huge hit.

The sandbox had provided hours of fun- the girls love making sand pies.

Having a swingset and slide is also a huge plus. A fenced in yard and home swingset are essential for twin toddlers.

I didn't post about this in my clothing essentials post, but play clothes are another must have. I've found that jeans work better than leggings for outdoor play. I also have a couple of sweatshirts that are perfect for playing outside.