Tuesday, September 18, 2012

18 weeks

I am getting very anxious to decorate the nursery- we have our big ultrasound soon, so I expect that the day we find out I will be placing orders with land of nod, pottery barn kids, and west elm! Justin is a bit more practical patient than I am, so he doesn't see the big rush to get everything ordered... but a lot of items I originally wanted are back-ordered/out of stock, so I want to start shopping ASAP. I have bedding picked out for two girls, two boys, and one of each... so regardless of gender we have a plan.

In honor of me being near the halfway point in pregnancy, I thought it would be fun to compare bump pictures this week:

4 weeks- the day we found out I was pregnant
18 weeks
 How far along? 18 weeks

Total weight gain? 2 pounds again. From the above pictures you can see there is quite a difference in belly size- the belly is now a whopping 12 inches larger than pre-pregnancy... so most of it is going straight to the bump. My hips have grown slightly (only about an inch), but I think a lot of that is because I have scaled way back at the gym.

 Maternity clothes? I was desperate to wear leggings one day and broke down and wore a maternity top, because that was the only thing I could find that was long enough to make leggings work-appropriate, but other than that incident I've been getting by with normal clothes and the be band. I am so thankful that my workplace has a business casual dress code... I see lots and lots of leggings in my future.

 Stretch marks? I had a nightmare last night that I had significant stretch marks over at least 50% of my body... they were red and looked like I had been attacked by a cat, it was awful. I rushed to the bathroom to look in the mirror as soon as I woke up, and thankfully I am still stretch mark free... lets hope it stays that way!

Sleep? Still good- I continue to barricade myself with pillows. Justin questioned my excessive number of pillows, but I told him that my parents have a camping mat I was sure we could borrow so he could sleep on the floor away from my wall of pillows. He hasn't asked about my pillow choices since.

Miss anything? Having pants that both zip and button... I only have a few precious pairs left that do both, and I'm afraid that they won't be along for much longer. 

Cravings? Buffalo wild wings, a professional prenatal massage. I read an old wives tale that if you deny a pregnant woman a craving, you will get a sty. Justin developed one a couple of weeks ago... I'm now trying to convince him that a massage counts as a craving, and that he would be a fool to put himself at risk of developing another sty... I don't think my logic is winning this one.
Aversions? Pork... I'm not sure if I will ever look at it the same way.
Symptoms? I get backaches here and there, but everything is still manageable. I really wish that we had a jetted tub. We don't have any getaways planned, but if we end up going on a weekend trip I am so booking a room with one of those cheesy jacuzzi tubs so I can take a nice relaxing bath. 


  1. You seriously look so beautiful!! That beband is a life saver isn't it? I used mine through most of my pregnancies. Boys usually don't understand the whole nesting thing. If it were up to them, they would wait until after the babies were here to go shopping for them. =o)

    1. Thanks Kelsey! The beband has been amazing...seriously the best $16 I have ever spent.
