Saturday, December 15, 2012

30 weeks

It is hard to believe that the girls will be here in 8 weeks (or a little less, but hopefully they will be cooperative and stay put). At my last dr. appointment everything looked great- her big goal for me is to make it to 32 weeks, when the girls will be neurologically intact (I keep reminding her that I really want to make it to 37-38 weeks). Apparently there is a saying in the OB community that 32 weekers go on to Ivy League schools. The thought of financing two Ivy League educations gives me heart palpitations, so I'm rephrasing that to graduate summa cum laude from a local university.

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain? Up 3 pounds total, for an average of 1.5 pounds per week... which is right where I should be. As long as I don't completely binge on Christmas cookies or retain a bunch of water, I should stick within the recommended range, albeit the higher end of the range (I've decided that since I was on the lower end of the bmi range pre-pregnancy I'm the perfect candidate for gaining on the higher end of the spectrum).

 Maternity clothes? Still wearing a combination...although a lot of my tops (even some maternity) are becoming a bit short.

 Stretch marks? I have a few suspicious marks around my belly, but they don't really look like what pops up when I google image stretch marks. I'm not too concerned... and if they do happen to be stretch marks I suppose getting my first stretch mark at age 28 still makes me pretty lucky. 

Sleep? Still good- although rolling over from one side to the other has become a bit of a challenge.

 Miss anything? My clothes! Although I have a feeling that after the girls are here, I will still be facing some wardrobe challenges and will be in the mood to shop.

Cravings? Clementines... we'll see how long a healthy craving lasts.
Aversions? Not really.
Symptoms? Heartburn- I've only had it a few times, but it really is no fun. My dr. was surprised that I hadn't experienced it sooner- apparently a lot of people develop heartburn very early in their pregnancies. Thankfully, my heartburn can be treated by drinking a glass of water (that is my cure for everything) and if it is night time and really uncomfortable I will chew a couple of tums.

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