Tuesday, February 19, 2013

things nobody told me about the birth experience (or if they did I was too stupid to listen)

1. Water breaking can be the first sign of labor... all of the books and classes said that the birth experience is nothing like the movies and that you will know you are in labor before your water breaks. I was confused and caught off guard when it happened, because I was convinced there would be contractions first (although I'm not really sure what I thought it was... it isn't like I had been experiencing incontinence).

2. You probably will panic a little bit when your water breaks. My doctor had told me that if my water broke at home to get to the hospital asap. We are about a 20 minute drive from the hospital and I was convinced I might have the babies in the car.

3. You will curse the driving skills of whoever is taking you to the hospital- Justin was at work, so my mom had the pleasure of driving me. The roads were a little icy, so she was only able to go 40 on the interstate. I kept on (politely) reminding her that the speed limit is 55.

4. I am a pretty perky person, but there was one nurse I absolutely hated until I had my epidural. She was super friendly and pleasant and asking me all of these important intake questions when all I wanted to do was be left alone. Thankfully I was able to keep my anger inside and was back to my normal self after the epidural.

5. Nurses are sneaky little creatures and will have you convinced that it is only one more push when in reality you have over 2 more hours to go.

6. Pushing really can take 3 hours- don't look at the clock.

7. Operating room tables are really uncomfortable- even with the sweet epidural.

8. With a twin delivery they call in all sorts of helpers- don't be alarmed if you see the person who was assisting with delivery stocking the supply closet the next day.

9. Mesh underwear are disgusting- everyone on the blogosphere raves about them, but I thought they were like wearing an adult diaper... so bring your own undies, preferably in both one and two sizes bigger than your pregnancy (yes pregnancy, not pre-pregnancy) size.

10. IV fluids, blood transfusions, and not being able to get out of bed for 14 hours after birth will make you look like crap... case in point:

Within an hour of Claire's birth... a bit disheveled, but looking pretty good

2 days after the girls were born. Thankfully the puffiness went away- my face looks normal again!

11. Let people take pictures of you- even if you look horrible. You'll want them for the baby book (and changing the color to black and white can hide a multitude of sins!)


  1. One more to add to that. When you call L&D and insist you are in Labor they tell you that you aren't and you should wait. If I would have "listened" to the L&D nurse I talk to I would have had Nevaeh on our Living room floor! Trust your gut, if they tell you to wait, go in have them check for sure!

    Yeah I hated those nasty mesh underwear..I had imprints on my thighs for days after wearing them.

  2. I've heard of nurses not believing that people are in labor a couple of times! Just because you aren't "textbook" doesn't mean it isn't happening.
