Monday, May 20, 2013


Wow, I have definitely become one of those bloggers that stops posting after the babies arrive! I have a goal of posting once a week- I am only on month one of their baby books (oops) so I need to document the happenings somewhere so I don't forget!

Here is what we have been up to lately... the major events deserve their own posts, but those might come later:

-The girls and I had a fabulous shower hosted by Amanda and Denise- they really went all out with food and decorations! The cake was fabulous and they had lots of cute little touches. You are just going to have to believe me when I say it was great because I forgot to take pictures!

-Audrey and Claire were baptized on Mother's Day- lots of family came to celebrate. It was a really special day because all of the grandmas and great-grandmas were there. Claire and Audrey got to meet Great Grandma Marilyn and Great Grandma Verna for the first time. They also got to meet a lot of Church friends that had only seen pictures.

-Audrey and Claire have started to sleep through the night! It isn't consistent yet, but they have slept from 8 pm to 6 am. Last night they woke up at 4 am for a bottle and then again at 8 am, but I was able to put them back in their cribs so I could shower (and blog). Claire is awake and talking now, but she sounds happy... so I will keep updating as long as I can!

-In March I was hospitalized for postpartum psychosis- my unsolicited advice for any moms to be is to know the symptoms of postpartum depression (you might not actually feel depressed, I never did) and share the list with family members. It was a scary experience, but Justin and I like to look at the positive... and there were definitely a few good things that came out of the whole ordeal.

-Audrey and Claire love the stroller! We go on walks as often as possible- usually at least once a day. It feels good to get fresh air and gives Justin and I a break because the girls usually fall asleep in the stroller.

-Claire and Audrey love to shop! (Ok, maybe they just really love their stroller....) My mom and I went to the mall and had about a 3.5 hour shopping expedition- the girls hardly made a peep. They received many compliments on what nice shoppers they were... I am sure there will be wild days ahead of us, but I enjoy how portable the girls are now!

-Justin's sister and cousin both graduated the Saturday before Mother's Day, so the babes got to meet Aunt Katelyn and their paternal great aunts and uncles. We went out to eat twice on Saturday (their first times in a restaurant) and they did great- it probably helped that there were lots of people wanting to hold them!

-Audrey and Claire have started to use the exersaucer and bumbo and love them both. It is so fun to watch them bat at the toys on the exersaucer. They don't have excellent head control yet, so play time is limited to about 10 minutes or so, but it will be fun when they are big enough to play longer.

-Claire and Audrey are both little snuggle bugs. Claire is a little bit more cuddly than Audrey, but both girls are very content to be held. I try hold them as often as possible, because soon they will be running around!

-The girls have outgrown most of their newborn clothes (sniffle). I can still fit Claire in a few newborn tops, but for the most part they are in 0-3 months. It is a good thing we love to shop! A few weeks ago the Mothers of Multiples club I belong to had a rummage sale and I was able to pick up quite a few pretty things for the girlies.

Monday, May 6, 2013

baby gear hits and misses

Now that the girls are 3 months (!) old, I figured it would be time to review some of the baby gear that I obsessively researched purchased. With baby gear, you name it... we probably have it. My philosophy was if it might be helpful, we should go ahead and buy it... and thankfully that has worked for the most part- we have had more hits than misses.

Hit List:

Chicco Keyfit Car Seat

This car seat was one of our first major purchases for the girls. We have been very pleased with them- they are incredibly user friendly... all you have to do is secure the base, and then the seat snaps right in. They must be fairly comfy too, because Audrey and Claire are always happy in their car seats.

Baby Trend Snap and Go Stroller:

Baby trend has been awesome. The car seats sits right on the stroller- it is so simple to use. Some reviews mentioned that the Chicco Isn't compatible but we have not had any problems.

Baby Bjorn babysitter

This bouncer is awesome we have a older model than what is pictured, but it works great. Ours has a toy bar that Audrey loves to play wirh

Baby Bjorn Carrier

Being able to carry one of the girls hands free has been a lifesaver. If only there was a twin version available.

Ergo Baby Carrier:

What this carrier lacks in beauty it makes up for in functionality. It is super comfortable, and the baby can be worn in a front, hip, or back carry. Sure, it looks like I'm wearing a fat suit, but a small price to pay for happy babies.

Rock and Play Sleeper

This is one of our most used items... if you are expecting it should definitely be on your must have list! The girls nap in this all the time- we have even used it as an extra set of hands during feedings. We have a bassinet that we love and find useful, but if you are short on space the RNP could most definitely replace the bassinet.

Snugabunny Swing

This swing is magic- whenever Claire or Audrey seem a bit fussy we put them in the swing and it puts them in a trance...they usually just fall asleep. Plus this is one of the few swings on the market that doesn't require batteries.


Bright Starts Swing

The girls only tolerate this swing on rare occasion. Plus it just seems down right dinky compared to the Snugabunny.

Aprica Play yard.

The play yard definitely has a lot going for it- it is attractive, and very easy to set up. However, those features came with a hefty price tag. We ended up buying a second Graco pack n play for about $50- in hindsight we would have been better of skipping the spendy Aprica and going right to two Gracos.

Little Lamb Infant Seat

This received rave reviews and was on the must have list of many blogs, however the girls hate it. All it does is vibrate and play music, so it is very boring in comparison to our bouncers (yes, I have 3 others) that actually bounce.