Saturday, April 5, 2014

14 months

Claire and Audrey are now 14 months old and are busier than ever! They love running around and exploring everything. They are becoming quite adventurous eaters- they will eat everything we eat (and even a few things that we don't care for!). 

Last night we went out to eat with the girls to a casual dining restaurant- it was quite strange, as the hostess was figuring out where to seat us she said that she would put us in a certain server's section because she "really loves her job". We have yet to be wild and obnoxious patrons- in fact there was a group of middle aged ladies seated next to us that appeared to be quite a bit more troublesome than we were. Sure, the girls might throw a few things on the floor, but I am sure to pick things up prior to leaving. 

Audrey and Claire both love getting their teeth brushed! Audrey is quite attached to her banana- at times she cries when it is taken away. 

We are still working on transitioning to the sippy cups 100% of the time- they are particular and only like the sippy cups with straws. Lately it has been a bit of a struggle to make sure they get their minimum of 24 ounces of milk per day- they just don't want to slow down to drink it.

They have been more consistent in sleeping through the night- especially Audrey. Claire still has a tendency to wake up once per night- we'll have to work on getting her to have more milk before bed... lately the little stinker has only been willing to drink a couple of ounces.

I have finally started to lose the baby weight at about the same rate I acquired it during pregnancy. All I have done is be more mindful of what I eat- trust me, I still make room for plenty of treats! I aim for about 1200 net calories per day, which doesn't always happen (I like to splurge a bit on the weekends) but I am pretty consistent with it. The main change is that I am once again working out 6 days per week. I am loving the xhit daily and fitness blender you tube channels! I honestly barely even miss my gym membership. Most days I do about 30 minutes of HIIT/circuit training- although the other day I did a brutal 84 minute workout from fitness blender- I'll have to try do that once a week or so, it claims to torch between 700-1000 calories (zumba always claimed to burn that many calories in a 60 minute workout, but I never believed it... but I could certainly see how this workout would be capable of that- and the end of the workout I was a hot mess, and usually exercise simply makes me glow :)).  Days when I want to take it easy I do barre fitness or ab-specific work.

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