Monday, July 21, 2014

words with babies

The girls have been little chatterboxes lately- they have quite the collection of words! Things they say include:

"No, no puppy"- Claire started saying this before she would say Daddy consistently.
"No"- Although Audrey doesn't attach meaning to this- she just responds with it sometimes when we ask her a question.
"Shoes!"- I'm surprised this wasn't one of their first words.
"Sissy" - Melts my heart- so cute!
"Baby"- Everyone under the age of 12 is a baby to Audrey- she says it whenever she sees another child.
"Nana"- For banana. Sometimes Audrey will even grab a banana from the table.
"Car"- Although they typically say "car car"
"Night night"

They also have a collection of animal sounds, including "roar", "baa", and "la la la" (that is what the pig says).

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