Friday, October 19, 2012

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks

Total weight gain? I think it is another 2 weeks, I only had my scale at home (which isn't digital) to go by this week, so I'm not 100% sure. I've been indulging in lots of Halloween candy lately, so we'll see what the numbers look like at my appointment next week- if I'm gaining faster than 2 pounds per week it will be time to cut back to a more reasonable amount of candy.

 Maternity clothes? Yup, but still a combination. In my picture this week I am wearing maternity jeans, but a regular shirt and jacket. I am glad that most of my shirts are long enough to accommodate my 40 inch (!) belly.

 Stretch marks? Still no tiger stripes :) Justin's aunts recently traveled to England and sent me a care package with some awesome stretch mark prevention oil. It is Mariposa Balms Bumpy Belly- the oil is so much easier to use than the thick cream I had been trying... plus it smells amazing.  

Sleep? Still great... I'm not sure if Justin can say the same though.

Miss anything? Clothes shopping. I've bought a few open cardigans that will work post-pregnancy too, but I have been trying to limit my purchases. I figure I will prefer to buy new stuff after the babies are here.

Cravings? Can't leave alone bars, caramel rolls
Aversions? Nope (although I am still a super picky eater, so when there are potlucks and what not at work I may casually mention an aversion or two).
Symptoms? My back is still sore pretty frequently, but I think that is a symptom that will be around until the babies are here. It has been a lot better this week than last- I think it is because I have found a few tricks to help cope with it. I make sure to take quick walking breaks every 30-60 minutes at work, and stand instead of sit at my desk when I feel uncomfortable. I'm lucky to have a job where I'm not tied to my desk!

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