Thursday, June 6, 2013

4 months!

Audrey and Claire had their four month well-baby visit today. The doctor was amazed by how much they have grown! Audrey was in the 87th% for weight and 68th% for height (last time she was 10th% and 15th%) and Claire is in the 11th% for weight and 8th% for height (compared to the 3rd% for both at her last visit. Audrey is about 4.5 pounds heavier than Claire and 2 inches longer- it will be interesting to see if Claire goes through a growth spurt or if she is destined to be short like her mama.

Audrey is currently wearing 6 month sized clothing... and she won't fit into much longer, I think we only have a week or two before she moves into 9 month sizes. Claire still wears primarily 0-3 month (I just recently packed away the last of her newborn sized clothing) but can fit into a few 6 month outfits.

The girls both got immunizations today- they cried more than they did at their 2 month appointment, but settled down quickly. Once again our pediatrician said she would like to take Audrey and Claire home with her- we are lucky that both girls have such great temperaments!

The girls have been sleeping through the night fairly consistently- bedtime is between 8-9 pm and they typically wake up sometime between 4-6 am. Claire usually wakes up first- she squirms around so much in her sleep that she must burn a lot of calories! She still eats 4 ounces of formula while Audrey is up to 6 ounces... so that could explain why Audrey is able to sleep longer.

Audrey and Claire have both started to giggle- it isn't consistent yet, but we are usually able to get them to laugh once per day.

Claire now loves the infant gym- she enjoys batting at the toys and wiggling around. Audrey has become quite fond of the exersaucer and jumperoo- she will play contently for about 30 minutes at a time. Claire goes in the exersaucer sometimes, but she likes to stay in it for 10-15 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm worried that I'm going to be way off in my clothing stash for baby. I thought I was doing pretty good getting cooler weather 9 month clothing when I find it at rummage sales.... sounds like I might need it sooner than I was expecting! Now I know what to be looking for when I see girl clothes! :D
