Wednesday, August 6, 2014

18 months

The girls are at such a fun age right now- it seems like they are learning new things every day. Audrey is really picking up on new words- recent additions are ears, duck, and quack.

Claire loves playing ring around the rosie- Audrey isn't as into it, and Claire gets very upset if Audrey refuses to hold her hand.

The girls are becoming more grown up everyday- they love using their forks! We went out to eat on Monday and Audrey insisted on using a fork. The girls are also very interested in whatever we are drinking! We frequently walk over to caribou for their happy hour. Last time we went Audrey was insisting on trying my drink- I figured she wouldn't like it so I could just let her have a sip and she would lose interest- that plan backfired! I had to put my coffee away and finish it after she went to bed.

Their favorite toys are little people, play food, and books. Audrey can't get enough of her books- she would be happy to have someone read to her all day long. Claire is a bit more active- she likes to run around, twirl, and dance.

The girls continue to be great eaters- they went on a bit of a banana strike, but after giving them a bit of a break they are eating them again. There really hasn't been anything that they have refused yet.

The girls are both getting molars- I'm not even sure how many teeth they have these days, it is hard to get a good look in their mouths! I know they have 10 for sure... maybe even 12? They insist on brushing their own teeth, but I'll have to investigate. Audrey has had a bit of a fever with this teething business so she has been alternating between irritable and snuggly.

We are going to start potty training soon! I ordered some basic gerber training pants, but then spoke with my cousin who is a cloth diapering genius and got a few other ideas. I'm going to bypass the whole pull up business- I think I'm going to order blueberry training pants and rumparooz diaper covers. I won't use the diaper cover when we are at home, but I think it will be helpful when we are out running errands and when we are traveling.

I'm also waiting for Hanna Andersson to have free shipping- they are one of the only places that offer undies in Claire's size, plus I am obsessed with HA- it is such great quality! They are pricey, but the girls are young enough that they won't know the difference if they get socks and undies for Christmas :)

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