Sunday, June 30, 2013

water babies

Claire and Audrey have taken a liking to water. We recently visited a splash pad. The girls are a bit young for it, but seemed to enjoy themselves.

The girls also love bath time (but only if I am the person giving the bath).

Claire relaxing after her bath.

first pedicure

I gave Claire and Audrey their first pedicures. They seemed to enjoy it and surprisingly weren't too wiggly.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

future athlete

Audrey checking out her baby mouth guard (ok it is actually a teether) I think we might have a future athlete on our hands... the look suits her!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

sleeping beauties

Are we lucky or what? It is almost 11:30 am and our babes are still sound asleep. Claire woke up around 8:00 so I fed her and then woke Audrey up for a feeding and put them both back into their cribs.  They still don't nap during the day... But with a nightly sleeping pattern like this, I don't care. Justin and I slept in until 10:00 am... I can't remember the last time I slept that long! 

I only have one minor bragplaint with their sleeping routine... Lately they have been sleeping in until 7:30ish on weekdays, so I don't get much of a chance for snuggle time before work. Oh well, I am sure the day will come when they barge into my bedroom, pry my eyelids open, and demand that I play with them at 5:00 am (my mom tells me I did something like that in my younger years... I'm sure I was an angel child and she is just remembering wrong)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

things that go thump in the night

Last night was like any other- I put the girls to bed around 8:30, had an hour and a half of me time, and then decided to go to bed. The nursery is across the hall from the master bedroom- I sleep with the doors to both rooms open so I can hear the girls without using the baby monitor (the monitor picks up every little noise and Claire is a noisy sleeper) and have a fan going and the tv on- what can I say, I fall asleep better if there is some noise. Anyways, I drifted off to sleep around 10:15 or so, and slept soundly until 2:00 am when I heard a "thump, thump, thump".

Since it was the middle of the night, my first thought was "omg, someone broke in" you would think as a protective new mom, I would have immediately ran to the nursery to check on Claire and Audrey, but I just laid quietly and kept still (apparently I thought the best defense against a potential intruder was to pretend to be asleep?). I kept hearing the "thump, thump, thump" and was racking my brain trying to figure out what the heck the noise was... I decided it wasn't an intruder, as the dogs were still sleeping (they are neurotic little yorkies that respond to most noises with shrill barking). After a minute or two of contemplation, I realized that it was most likely Audrey, practicing her new trick. I turned on the video monitor and sure enough Audrey was busy doing her leg exercises... she brings her legs up to a 90 degree angle, and slams them down- the silly girl does this in her sleep. I will have to turn up the volume on my tv a notch or two to drown out the thumping- Claire and Audrey have been sleeping until 6:30 am pretty consistently... if I have to wake up in the middle of the night I want it to be because the girls need tending too, not because they are doing crib calisthenics.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

4 months!

Audrey and Claire had their four month well-baby visit today. The doctor was amazed by how much they have grown! Audrey was in the 87th% for weight and 68th% for height (last time she was 10th% and 15th%) and Claire is in the 11th% for weight and 8th% for height (compared to the 3rd% for both at her last visit. Audrey is about 4.5 pounds heavier than Claire and 2 inches longer- it will be interesting to see if Claire goes through a growth spurt or if she is destined to be short like her mama.

Audrey is currently wearing 6 month sized clothing... and she won't fit into much longer, I think we only have a week or two before she moves into 9 month sizes. Claire still wears primarily 0-3 month (I just recently packed away the last of her newborn sized clothing) but can fit into a few 6 month outfits.

The girls both got immunizations today- they cried more than they did at their 2 month appointment, but settled down quickly. Once again our pediatrician said she would like to take Audrey and Claire home with her- we are lucky that both girls have such great temperaments!

The girls have been sleeping through the night fairly consistently- bedtime is between 8-9 pm and they typically wake up sometime between 4-6 am. Claire usually wakes up first- she squirms around so much in her sleep that she must burn a lot of calories! She still eats 4 ounces of formula while Audrey is up to 6 ounces... so that could explain why Audrey is able to sleep longer.

Audrey and Claire have both started to giggle- it isn't consistent yet, but we are usually able to get them to laugh once per day.

Claire now loves the infant gym- she enjoys batting at the toys and wiggling around. Audrey has become quite fond of the exersaucer and jumperoo- she will play contently for about 30 minutes at a time. Claire goes in the exersaucer sometimes, but she likes to stay in it for 10-15 minutes.