Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a day in the life

Now that the girls are two months old and we have a routine down I figured it would be time to post about a day in our life. Thankfully we have lots of helpers- life wouldn't go as smoothly without the extra help!

7:30 am- Claire is up and talking. I go in and get her ready for her feeding. Audrey is asleep, so I contemplate doing the feeding by myself, but my brother Andrew heard that we were awake and came upstairs to help.

8:00 am- Try make waffles for breakfast, but realize I drank the last of the milk. Whoops. Decide on scrambled eggs instead. Andrew goes to change Audrey while I'm making breakfast and discovers that she has a poopy diaper- he does everything except for poop, so I abandon the eggs, change Audrey, and give her a quick bath. After that is taken care of, I go back to the eggs. Since I'm going for the wife of the year award, I bring Justin breakfast in bed... but he decides he would rather sleep than eat.

9:00 am- Shower and get ready for the day. Andrew is on baby duty. Go downstairs and discover that one of the dogs had an accident... oh well, I'm a pro at poop clean up these days, so it is only a minor annoyance.

10:00 am- Tummy time for Audrey and Claire. Andrew gets ready to go home, Justin wakes up.

10:15 am- Feeding time again. I tackle this feeding on my own, because Justin needs to get some coffee before he is fully functional.

10:45 am- Diapers are changed and it is time for naps. Audrey naps in her bouncer, Claire is a little fussy so she goes in the Baby Bjorn. Justin and I take the opportunity to do some cleaning and finish up our taxes. I bitterly write our checks to the US Treasury and State of North Dakota... oh well, next year our tax situation will be much better.

1:00 pm- Feeding time. Afterwards Audrey hangs out in the Baby Bjorn and Claire naps in the bassinet. Justin runs to the grocery store.

3:30 pm- Feed the girls once again. Then load them up in their car seats for our outing to get my new iphone (yay!). The girls do great on their outing- Audrey is a little fussy on the car ride there, but settles down and sleeps the whole time we are in the store.

5:00 pm- Have supper (pizza bread... which is so yummy!) and hang out with the girls.

6:00 pm- Leave for my Moms of Multiples meeting. Arrive at the mall a bit early, so I have time to stop at The Limited (I have a coupon for $20 off a purchase). Find an awesome pair of pants and sweater on the clearance rack, so I score big and get the ensemble for $14! Justin feeds the girls when I am gone.

9:00 pm- Arrive home from meeting just in time for the girls' next feeding. Get the girls bundled in their sleep sacks, read them a story, and say goodnight.

9:30 pm- Bedtime for everyone.

2:30 am- Claire and Audrey wake up for a feeding- Justin and I are impressed that they made it over 5 hours

5:30 am- Time for another feeding. Everyone is back in bed by 6:00 am.

8:00 am- Girls wake up and Claire is super hungry and crabby. We quick get her a bottle and she is once again our happy little girl. Audrey is a little bit more patient and even allows Justin to stop mid feeding and get some coffee.

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