Wednesday, June 12, 2013

things that go thump in the night

Last night was like any other- I put the girls to bed around 8:30, had an hour and a half of me time, and then decided to go to bed. The nursery is across the hall from the master bedroom- I sleep with the doors to both rooms open so I can hear the girls without using the baby monitor (the monitor picks up every little noise and Claire is a noisy sleeper) and have a fan going and the tv on- what can I say, I fall asleep better if there is some noise. Anyways, I drifted off to sleep around 10:15 or so, and slept soundly until 2:00 am when I heard a "thump, thump, thump".

Since it was the middle of the night, my first thought was "omg, someone broke in" you would think as a protective new mom, I would have immediately ran to the nursery to check on Claire and Audrey, but I just laid quietly and kept still (apparently I thought the best defense against a potential intruder was to pretend to be asleep?). I kept hearing the "thump, thump, thump" and was racking my brain trying to figure out what the heck the noise was... I decided it wasn't an intruder, as the dogs were still sleeping (they are neurotic little yorkies that respond to most noises with shrill barking). After a minute or two of contemplation, I realized that it was most likely Audrey, practicing her new trick. I turned on the video monitor and sure enough Audrey was busy doing her leg exercises... she brings her legs up to a 90 degree angle, and slams them down- the silly girl does this in her sleep. I will have to turn up the volume on my tv a notch or two to drown out the thumping- Claire and Audrey have been sleeping until 6:30 am pretty consistently... if I have to wake up in the middle of the night I want it to be because the girls need tending too, not because they are doing crib calisthenics.

1 comment:

  1. love this post!!! i love how you didn't get up when you thought it was an intruder! i TOTALLY would have done the same thing. that panic just renders your little mom bodies frozen!!! ha ha! what a cute story!
