Thursday, December 20, 2012

gems of the day

Perhaps I'm starting to get some of the stereotypical pregnancy-induced moodiness, but I am starting to get rather annoyed with some of the comments I've been getting lately. Here is a sampling:

"You look like Barney!" (I am wearing a purple shirt today)
"You're waddling!" (I might have mentioned this one earlier- it was from a few weeks ago... I happened to be wearing flats that day, so my coworker just wasn't used to seeing me walk in something other than heels)

The appearance comments don't bug me all that much, but I absolutely hate speculation regarding when the girls will be born... one of my coworkers said that they needed to start a bet to see if I actually come back after Christmas (um... I'll only be 32 weeks, so I better be coming back!). I went on to say that I was hopeful that I would make it to 37-38 weeks and that I would be thrilled if the girls were in the 6-7 pound range... another coworker (with multiple children) responded with "ouch!". Maybe I'm being a naive first time mom, but I would imagine that having 4 pound babies would be just as uncomfortable as having 6 pounders... especially if a c section is involved.

I've also been trying to remind people that just because I'm small doesn't mean that I lack the genetic potential to have big babies... There have been lots of tiny women in my family who have had 8+ pound babies. I use my mom as an example all the time, but I think I need to start exaggerating... "I weighed 9 lbs 6 oz at birth and my mom only weighed 88 pounds pre-pregnancy"

At least I'm pretty good at just smiling and nodding when I'm annoyed... I'm guessing there will be several opportunities for me to fine tune my skills over the next few weeks!


  1. Well...I was 105 lbs pre-pregnancy with you and you weighed 8 lbs 7.5 ounces and were a week overdue! I was overdue and induced the second time around. I remember getting some strange comments too....just keep smiling! ☺ Mom

  2. I feel your pain! I don't know why people feel the need to be "brutally" honest with a pregnant women. People used to say such inconsiderate things to me also.I had one woman come up to me and ask when I was due, and I was around 30 weeks then, she actually told me "oh sweetie! You are so big, I hope your doctor is going to induce you!" both of my babes were 7 lbs!! Carried my first to 38 weeks, and my 2nd to 37 weeks. I understand how you are feeling. All those comments get old quick

  3. Keep smiling-most people do not know what to say; they don't mean to be inconsiderate or rude. As far as starting a betting pool, encourage it and make sure you get 50% of the winnings!!! Aunt Zonia
