Saturday, July 6, 2013

three amigos

Claire and Audrey got to meet baby Cameron today. They were off to a bit of a rocky start, as Audrey tried to eat Cameron's foot... But I'm sure they will be awesome "frousins" just like their mommies.
These three are totally in synch- they all napped at the same time! You would think having three babies would cause quite a ruckus, but we were able to carry on real adult conversation (with scintillating topics like umbilical cords and nursing)! Cameron is coming up to visit us next week... Maybe we could even try a lunch date at a restaurant without plastic trays... You know one of those fancy places where they serve you your food and everything?

Cameron is only a few ounces bigger than Audrey was at two weeks- it is amazing how much the girls have grown! The teeny tiny newborn stage was a blur with the girls, so I am glad I can get my newborn fix from sweet little Cameron. 

I'm sure these three will have many great adventures together... Lets just hope it doesn't involve swamp tag! (Check out my cousin's blog the littlest cookie for more details on that) 

1 comment:

  1. If there are any games of swamp tag I'm sure Grandma Deb and Grandma Lu will have them cleaned up before their mommies come home ;)
