Wednesday, August 14, 2013

super power

All moms need at least one super power (maybe as a MOM I'll get two?). With the girls' adventures in solids came new stains to fight. I am awesome at getting out formula stains, but puréed greens were a new battle.

Justin did a few days worth of baby laundry (mistake #1 was not treating the stain immediately) and we failed to realize that the green stains didn't come out in the wash and dried the clothes (mistake #2).

I made a concoction out of vinegar, oxy clean, baking powder, and dish soap and let the garments soak overnight. When I checked it out this morning, the stains were still quite noticeable. 

I took to Facebook and got quite a few good ideas (including giving the garments to the original stain fighting super hero Grandma Helen). I did a bit of googling and read that lemon juice can work wonders... I had a whole vat of lemon juice that we bought to flavor ice chips while I was in labor (the nurses never let me use it- I was lucky to be able to sneak a couple of ice chips because I was under strict instructions not to eat or drink... True story, while I was pushing I kept thinking I could really use a snack- the wonders of epidurals). Anyways... the point is I figured I had nothing to lose by using a little lemon juice and sunshine.

I don't have a before picture, but imagine the food smeared on the girls' faces all over their adorable outfits.

 And now for the after...

Ta dah! I am proud to be a second generation stain fighting super woman. Not bad for the girl who didn't do laundry on a regular basis until graduating fro college (yes, I have less than a decade of laundering experience...just think how awesome I'll be when I'm a nonagenarian like my grandma!)

1 comment:

  1. :D I am amazed every laundry day at how clean my cloth diapers look after a good sunning! I always try to get them washed in the morning so they get a full day of sun. I should send you a before and after photo!
