Sunday, February 16, 2014

organized closet and outsmarted by a baby

I feel like my closet could always use an overhaul. Lately I've been feeling like I've been wearing the same 5 things every day. It is pretty ridiculous, as I have more clothes than the average person... I college about 90% of my discretionary income went towards clothes (the other 10% was split between Oreos and wine). I bought something new at least once a week (in my defense I did work at the mall). Anyways, my wardrobe has been feeling pretty stale... and I am basically back to my prepregnancy size- I have one pair of pants and two dresses that I am 5-10 lbs away from, but hopefully I'll get there in the next few months.

So back to the massive overhaul. Last weekend I cleared out 3 trash bags of clothes. Last night I took everything out of my closet and tried much of it on. If it wasn't flattering/out of style/etc I got rid of it. I ended up with another garbage bag of clothes. Next I put all the hangers in backwards. If it doesn't get worn in the next 6 months, it goes.

After the 6 months are up, I'll go through and colorize everything. My goal last night was to get the rarely worn items towards the front of the closet.

Now, as to how I was outsmarted by my baby. Earlier today, Claire and Audrey were each given a sippy cup of milk. Claire walked off with it and returned sans milk. I couldn't find it for the life of me. I searched and searched and finally found it in her laundry basket. The girls are still transitioning from the bottle (and are reluctant to give it up). I think this was Claire's way of protesting the sippy cup.

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