Monday, February 10, 2014

do I really need 20 pairs of jeans?...and other questions to ponder

I've been on a decluttering kick lately- over the weekend I helped (forced?) my mom to declutter some of her kitchen gear and cookbooks. Let me tell you- it is easy to declutter for someone else... You don't have an emotional attachment to the stuff, and also don't remember paying $40 for something to only use it once or twice.

When I got home I was on such a roll, I decided to attack my closet. I was able to cull 20 items without giving it a second thought. Today, I tried on every single pair of jeans I own, and found 5 pairs for the giveaway pile. There are only about 5 pairs I wear on a regular basis, but each pair hanging in my closet fits and is flattering, so they serve a purpose (babysteps, people).

I also attacked my beloved shoe collection. Off the top of my head, I could think of about 10 pairs that I never wear (and never will). They haven't all made it to the donation pile, as some are packed high away in my closet, but that will be a project for this weekend.

I read somewhere that the average woman only wears 30% of her wardrobe... I don't know about you, but I would prefer to wear at least 70% of my clothes on a regular basis. I feel like if my closet isn't cluttered with things that don't fit/aren't flattering/insert excuse for not wearing I will be more creative and able to come up with more options for layering.

So what do I do with all my excess clothes? If it is a higher end brand or purchased within the past 2 years, I sell it at clothes mentor or the local consignment store. Everything else gets donated to the awesome thrift store in my home town- instead of pricing items, they accept a free will donation.

I'm looking forward to further curating my closet. An awesome tip I heard is if it isn't something you would buy today, it doesn't get to stay. Be sure to look for patterns in the stuff you purge- it should help you avoid future shopping mishsps. Of course clearing the clutter makes me itch to do a bit of shopping... on my wish list are mint colored skinny jeans, a chambray short (preferably with polka dots), and something chevron. I'm also on the quest for the perfect pair of nude pumps... they have eluded me for years! Ooh, and if I'm really rounding out my closet, I would like two pair of skinny work pants- one black, one jewel tone... and perhaps the perfect 3/4 length grey blazer...

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