Wednesday, August 12, 2015

my paci... I think it's probably gone!

Monday (the 9th of August...) started like any other day. I was leaving for work and saying bye to the girls. Audrey snuck her pacifier out of her room and I told her to put it back. I thought she tossed it in her room and went on my way.

Justin texted me at nap time letting me know that the paci was AWOL. He powered through it and Audrey was in good spirits when I got home. She went to bed without much incident, only commenting "my paci, it's probably gone".

I frantically looked for the paci that night, knowing that if she found it all bets for weaning would be off (I actually found it 2 days later behind the shoe basket in the entry).

So we have been paci free for a couple of weeks. That first week Audrey woke up crying for it in the middle of the night.

I started telling her about all the things she can do as a big girl (but things I would be ok doing in the motn) but Claire chimed in, "go on an adventure, stay with grandma and papa..."

Audrey still asks about her paci sometimes. First it was, "my paci! It's probably gone!" But her last statement was "my paci went in the garbage".

When we are out and about and she's other kids with pacis she gets really excited and in their face, proclaiming "paci! Paci!" But she hasn't tried to steal one, so I'm calling it a success.

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