Monday, February 1, 2016

claire & audrey are 3

Here is to hoping that we are leaving the "terrible twos" behind us. Each year with the girls has been more fun, but as they have gotten older it has also come with challenges. I remember a conversation I had with one of my best friends when the girls were just a few weeks old and I life felt like a constant 3 hour loop (pump, feed babies, wash bottles, and try sneak in some time for sleeping and eating). Justin and I felt like we had this parenting thing under control, but people would always pipe up "just wait, it gets so much harder". In talking with my friend about it, she said that it doesn't necessarily get harder, just different. And that you become better equipped to deal with the challenges. 

And challenge me the do. On Sunday, I took the girls to the zoo by myself. We talked about riding in their stroller, but they convinced me that they would walk nice. Lets just say we ended up being the most interesting exhibit at the zoo that day. It started out fine, but there was a group of kids playing on the playground equipment. My girls were wearing tennis shoes, not boots, so I told them that we would play once we got home. Audrey did not find my answer acceptable, and threw herself on the ground. I used a bit of trickery and told her that we would get her boots on next (meaning once we were in the confines of our own home). She found this to be ok and we ventured on. We checked out the rest of the sights without much incident, and all was well until we got to the entrance. Audrey was on the ground, once again "I want my boots! My boots!". I reassured her that her boots were in the car, and we made it outside. Then boom! On the ground again. I so wanted to football carry them both to the car, but instead crouched down told Audrey "Hmm, I notice that you are laying on the ground. Remember, your feet are for walking". She acquiesced and I managed to get them both buckled. Then Audrey started up again "the zoo! I want to go to the zoo!". I reminded her that she chose to lay on the ground and that we would try again another day. 

Audrey, modeling my hat and sunglasses. I wear both in public to avoid being noticed by acquaintances during epic tantrums.
Anyway, there is an "it gets better!" hidden behind that story. Yesterday as we were getting ready for bed, Audrey told me "I'm sorry for laying on the ground. I will try again". I was shocked- I hadn't mentioned anything about the zoo since Sunday. 

Claire, on her first day of "school" (ecfe class)
I asked the girls what they wanted for their birthday and they both enthusiastically responded "cake!". Today I plan on taking them to an event at the Y (we'll see how it goes, it is a lot of work getting them dressed and out the door by a certain time). We will need to make a grocery run, so they will definitely be getting cake of some sort- if they meet their behavioral expectations for the day I'm going to let them each pick out a balloon too. 

Audrey, on her first day of ecfe class
I've noticed that things tend to go more smoothly if I lay out the expectations ahead of time (e.g. stroller versus cart). Claire especially needs reminders about how to act around other kids. Audrey is the ultimate peacemaker, but Claire is a bit more spirited. At the Children's Museum there was another little boy and the two of them definitely knew how to push one another's buttons. Last night I reminded Claire about taking turns and let her know if that she didn't want to play with another kid she could say "no thank you" and come and find me. We'll see how that goes. 

I definitely miss the days of 6 pm bedtime and being able to just put them in their cribs and leave, but the bedtime chats we have now are definitely special. Claire talks pretty much non stop all day, while Audrey needs a bit more coaching. Except when I am tucking her in at night. She likes to ask about the next day (can we play toys tomorrow? can we do projects? can I help wash dishes? (!)). 

Audrey loves her "excamator"
The girls play together so nicely most of the day, but definitely have their scuffles. Last night when we were waiting for dinner, Audrey came flying up to me saying "sissy called me nugget!" (don't judge, we were having chicken nuggets for dinner. Gone are the days when our meals had multiple adjectives (i.e. roasted cauliflower mac and cheese with prosciutto and creme fraiche). Claire gets her fair share of pestering when she is trying to fall asleep. Claire typically goes to bed first. As I am tucking her in and getting her settled, Audrey likes to get in her face and make funny noises. Claire will tell her that she "needs privacy" and usually asks that I shut the door so Audrey will "stop bugging her" The girls still get ready for bed around 6, but they usually aren't asleep until about 7:30. I wish I could say that they slept through the night, but lately they have been up multiple times, sneaking into our room. Claire is very stealthy and there has been many times when I wake up at night to find her in my bed. Audrey typically calls out for me, and if I make it on time, she will stay in her bed.

There is never a dull moment with these two! I'll have to get back in the swing of more regular blogging, but here are a few fun recent quotes:

"Mommy worms are not for girlies. Only birdies and frogs eat worms". -Claire

Patting my stomach) "Is there a baby sister in your tummy?" -Claire (We were watching the Daniel Tiger episode when he learns about becoming a big brother).

"There was only room for me and sis in your tummy" -Audrey, reiterating the fact that there is in fact no baby sister in my tummy.

"May I have another please?" -Audrey, using her "polite" voice.

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