Saturday, July 12, 2014

17 months

We have been up to lots of fun things around here! We went to the lake last weekend- Audrey got in the water with me, but Claire was content hanging out in her tent and eating watermelon. 

One of Audrey's newest tricks is giving kisses- here she was kissing the pretty baby!

The girls love getting into cupboards! My mom has a few cabinets that she lets the girls dig in and it keeps them entertained for so long. Claire loved taking the granola bars out of the package and putting them back it. 

The girls are very busy these days! They have mastered going up and down the stairs- Audrey often goes down to the basement by herself to play kitchen. It is nice that they are getting more independent, but we now have another area of the house that needs to be baby proofed. The basement used to be a bit of a sanctuary, but now it is a toy explosion! One of Audrey's favorite games is pulling absolutely everything out of her kitchen.

Claire and Audrey both give kisses, blow kisses, and wave bye-bye. It takes me a lot longer to leave for work now, because the girls do all of their tricks for me before I go.

Bedtime is still around 6:30 and they pretty consistently sleep until 6:30. Although, this morning they woke up at 5:00, had some milk, and then slept in until 8! We didn't wake up until Justin came home from work.

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