Thursday, June 26, 2014

twin topics

The conversations I have with people never cease to amaze me. A recent sampling:

Random old guy: "So a boy and a girl?"
Me: Both girls.
Random old guy: "Oh, that one there is a husky gal!"
Umm, well she is a baby...

Grocery store employee 1: "Zomg twins! Do you dress them alike?"
Me: Not typically.
Employee 2: "yeah, it's easier to tell them apart that way"
Are we looking at the same twins here?
Employee 1: "Are the best friends? Do they fight?"
Me: Well, we have a few scuffles over toys...
Employee 1: "But they are still best friends? Which one is girlier?"
To be detirmined? They are only 16 months old...

Having twins definitely isn't for the shy! I don't think I'll ever make it through a store without striking up a conversation with a stranger again. 

Just don't think your clever by quipping that I've got my hands full. I'll politely smile and nod but I've heard that line 5,964 times already. But if you insist on making that comment, at least hold open the door for us instead of staring while I schlepp through the tiny doorway whilst wearing heels and loaded down with a diaper bag and finds from the days shopping adventure.

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