Tuesday, June 3, 2014

shopping strategies

I think there should be a special award for twin moms who successfully manage trips to Target. Armed with only a basket and double stroller, I managed to sneak in $75 worth of goods (I went in for milk, bread, and hydrocortisone ointment, but the Target black hole got me. You know, the hmm... I could use some dry shampoo, but that causes build up, so I should grab some clarifying shampoo. Ooh, Essie has the new summer collection out. The Target beauty aisle has become my Sephora of yore). Anyway, I remember when $75 could buy a whole cart full of goodies. Back in college I remember a trip full of cleaning products, sparkling water, martini glasses, and oreos (you know, the essentials) and it only set me back $35.

It is these shopping excursions that make me wish everywhere had nice two seater carts (like the ones at warehouse clubs, where I can breeze around like a singleton mom). And not the behemoth ones with the 5 point harness (Audrey can wiggle her way out of the harness on her bike trailer. I am not going to experiment in the aisles at Target). Here are a few of the shopping strategies I have tested over the past year:

1. Stroller only. This method is handy when I only need to pick up a few things, but I kinda felt like a shoplifter putting everything under the cart. Its like I needed a sign saying, "yes, I intend to pay for these items".

2. Stroller and mommy hook. This is one of my preferred methods. Just met the hook and attach the basket to the stroller. This works best when shopping for smaller items. The bulkier things can fit in the stroller basket.

3. Ergo and shopping cart. This was my favorite method! I stopped using the carrier once the girls got heavier and more mobile. But it was so nice- no double wide stroller! I could navigate through the aisle just like any other shopper.

4. Car seat in the shopping cart basket and baby up front. Put the shopping cart in the big basket on the cart (not teetering precariously on the seat designed for purses and small children). I used this all the time when the girls were in their infant seats. Only one baby needed to get out of the car seat- bonus! This method did cause quite a bit of confusion about the ages of the girls though.

5. Tag team. When I have the luxury of going on a shopping excursion with Justin, and we go buy tons of supplies, we each grab a cart and a baby and go on our way. This gives us the opportunity to divide and conquer (you know, let Justin pick up the Tide and I stroll through the beauty section). An alternate version of this is one of us taking the girls in the stroller and the other pushing the cart.

1 comment:

  1. I upgraded Cameron to a Tula. I can't believe I ever loved my Ergo... the Tula is amazing!!
