Wednesday, June 11, 2014

16 months

Time for another monthly update! The girls continue to develop new skills daily! There latest conquest is mastering the stairs. One of their favorite things to do is sit on the stairs- Claire is in heaven when she sits there with a pair of shoes.

Audrey is especially enjoying her newfound independence- she likes to cruise downstairs and play with her kitchen. Her other favorite activity is shutting her bedroom door- especially when I am in the room.

They will wave bye and blow kisses (that was one of our goals for the new year). Claire says bye, baby, hi, mamma, puppy, and happy, with the occasional dada thrown in their if she is coaxed. Audrey says hi and mama. Her big trick is building- she is great with mega blocks! She is more into playing than Claire, she loves her little people and dolls. Claire usually spends her time running around the house babbling, trying on different shoes, and using links for bracelets. Although she does like to carry around little people- she will fill up both hands and sometimes even carry one in her mouth for good measure.

They are excellent sleepers. I'm sure someday they will make up for it. They both continue to eat about everything. I can't think of anything they have refused. Claire loves cous cous and quinoa. Audrey is a huge fan of chicken and pork. And as grandpa learned today, don't even think about having a treat if you aren't planning on sharing it.

The girls continue to have tantrums daily, but usually it's if they've gone too long without milk or if there is a squabble over a toy (I usually let them duke it out over toys, but if the baby fight gets too intense the toy is taken away. We fight over interesting things in this house. Like junk mail). The tantrums typically subside in a minute or so- I usually just ignore them. 

One of their favorite activities is playing outside- they love their pool, sandbox, and swing. Coming back inside is the main trigger for Audrey's tantrum, but I'll take it- better than having a child that hates the outdoors!

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