Monday, October 13, 2014

20 months

The girls are at such a fun age- they continue to learn new words everyday! The really seem to understand a lot too. They are great at helping pick up- I'll ask them to put things back, then they will start putting things away while saying "back" the whole time, it is super cute!

They also will "pet" each other during diaper changes- they will rub each others' shoulder/tummy and say "nice sissy". They also know not to touch their dirty diapers and  say "icky" after their soiled diaper has been taken off.

In order to cut down on laundry, we tend to take the girls' shirts off when we are having messy meals. I can see this backfiring sometime when we are out to eat. When they are hungry, they walk over to their highchairs and start pulling off their shirts.

The girls are starting to show their opinions- especially with shoes! There have been days when they have flat out refused to wear the shoes I have selected. Thankfully we don't need to leave the house that often so they can wear whatever they want.

They love playing with their kitchens, trains, and play doh. My mom bought them a set of play doh about a month ago- I was worried that they would try eat it, so I held off from giving it to them. I recently let them have it and they absolutely love it! Trains are another huge favorite- often times the first thing they do in the morning is say "choo choo" and run downstairs to play with their train set.

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