Wednesday, September 12, 2012

17 weeks

17 weeks- almost to the halfway point in my pregnancy! We're really hoping that the twins are cooperative and wait until 36-37 weeks for their big debut. I went to my first mothers of multiples meeting last night, and a few of the ladies made it to 38+ weeks so there is hope!

The belly has been getting lots of attention! Keep in mind I look like I'm about 24.5 weeks pregnant.
How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain? Another 2 pounds this week, I'm sure you are shocked. That brings my grand total to 17 pounds. I've been reading the book "when you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads" and the recommendation for someone of my size (with twins) is to gain 20-30 pounds by week 20 in pregnancy... so it looks like I'm right on track!

 Maternity clothes? Not yet- my goal is to make it another 2 weeks before moving into maternity clothes. My rational is that I will have reached the halfway point by then, so hopefully I won't get bored with my more limited wardrobe.

 Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? Still pretty good... although I've now barricaded myself with pillows. Avery loves the pillows- especially the body pillow. I've caught her trying to burrow under the pillows several times. I'm a bit paranoid that she could somehow get smothered, but Justin reassures me that yorkies are smart and that she won't suffocate.

Miss anything? Having everything in my closet fit and look good.

Cravings? Quiznos, buffalo wings
Aversions? I still have no interest in pork.
Symptoms? I have been feeling pretty good this week. The beginning of the week I had some aches and pains, but I went to barre fitness last night and feel great now- that class is amazing! I firmly believe that several of life's aches and pains (physical or emotional) can be cured with sleep and exercise. Seriously, next time you are feeling stressed/having a blah day/have a headache go to the gym and have a hard-core cardio session... I bet you'll end up feeling better (and if you don't have a chocolate malt when you get home- sometimes chocolate fixes things that sleep and exercise cannot).

1 comment:

  1. You look great!! Glad to see everything is going so well! Keep up the great work momma!
