Wednesday, September 5, 2012

always make time for a test drive

Justin and I were in the cities over the weekend. We were there for a wedding, but made sure to carve out time to stop at Baby Grand. There are no double strollers that interest me in our area, so it was necessary to go to a specialty shop. Our friends were teasing us for test driving strollers, but the stroller is one of the most important baby gear purchases, so it wasn't a decision to be made lightly.

I previously had my heart set on the Baby Jogger City Select, but after seeing it in person, we decided that it wasn't the right stroller for us. Justin and I had both been anti side-by-side, but once we had a chance to test drive a few, we realized that they are much easier to maneuver than the tandems.

Here is our new stroller, the Baby Jogger City Mini Double:

check out the huge canopy

the diaper bag clips on to the stroller

I am loving this stroller- it is very easy to fold, has a huge canopy, and both seats recline flat so the stroller can be used with newborn on up. Justin teases me and says that I sound like a used car salesman when I describe it. 

The only downside is that the stroller doesn't accept two infant car seats. That ended up only being a small compromise, as we discovered the Baby Trend Double Snap N Go: 

We will primarily use the snap n go when we are running errands and going to appointments. The best part is the snap n go is super affordable- it was less than the cost of one car seat adapter for the Baby Jogger City Select. Singleton moms, you need not have stroller envy- both the Baby Jogger City Mini and Snap n Go come in single versions... this set up seems a lot easier than messing around with a bulky travel system.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome double stroller purchase Laura! For the limited time you use the "infant" car seats the "snap and go" will be great for you. We used baby trend for both our girls and LOVED it! You will use the other for years to come! =o)
