Thursday, December 27, 2012

32 weeks

The best Christmas present ever was making it to 32 weeks with twins :) I had a lot of fun spending time with family- it was great being around my aunts (where an 8 pound baby is considered fairly petite) they were all telling me how "tiny" I looked. While I'm not exactly tiny, I do think I look pretty good for having twins- especially after my appointment today... my belly was measuring a whopping 42 weeks! It will be interesting to see what my final measurement is.

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain? Up one pound over the past two weeks, but I was weighed on a different scale... I'm guessing I probably really gained between 2-2.5 pounds. I have an appointment with the MFM tomorrow, so we'll see what the scale says there.  

 Maternity clothes? Yes... and some of the tops are starting to get a bit short. I joked with someone in my HR department that I would probably be pushing the boundaries of dress code over the next few weeks and she would just have to avert her eyes when she saw me in the hallway.

 Stretch marks? A few small ones around my belly button... I suspect that few people make it through a twin pregnancy completely unscathed.

Sleep? I hope the girls are as good of sleepers as I am :) I usually have to get up about 2-3 times per night, but fall asleep again within 5 minutes.

 Miss anything? I just continue to be annoyed with my dwindling wardrobe options.

Cravings? M&Ms
Aversions? Not really, although I would much prefer to have candy instead of real food.
Symptoms? I continue to be really lucky and relatively symptom free. I really think taking circuit class and weight lifting pre-pregnancy made a huge difference. I also firmly believe that having a supportive husband helps a lot... some of the little things Justin does like packing my lunch and keeping the bathroom stocked with toilet paper helps a lot!

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