Wednesday, December 19, 2012

31 weeks

Justin and I went to our first class at the hospital last night- I pointed out to him that I had the largest belly by far, and was the only one wearing heels. He told me that I probably shouldn't be proud of that and should switch to more practical footwear. I'm still wearing heels until I am physically unable to... I figure if my feet start swelling, that is nature's way of encouraging me to switch to flats. If I end up with a planned c-section I might even wear heels to the hospital :)

The class at the hospital wasn't particularly helpful, a lot of it was basic information such as "this is an epidural... this is an episiotomy". The class also featured a video that featured live action shots of births, but honestly "A Baby Story" on TLC shows almost as much. The most helpful part of the class was getting to go on a tour of the birth center. The rooms look quite nice... I was excited to see that they all have hair dryers (yay! one less thing to pack) I know, the things I worry about are kind of silly... but I figure if my grandmas were able to give birth to a combined total of 10 kids in the 40s and 50s I will be just fine- especially since there have been quite a few advances in pain management. The unit also has a really nice waiting room that is typically stocked with snacks, so that will be a bonus for family. Another thing I learned on the tour is that they try keep all of the laboring moms on one wing- I noticed that the active labor/birthing rooms are on the opposite end of the unit from the waiting room, so hopefully the separation from where all the action is will help prevent my brother and dad from being scarred for life:)

31 Weeks
How far along? 31 weeks

Total weight gain? I'll find out next week. Although I apparently look huge to strangers- one lady recently came up to me and said that I was "way due". I just smiled and said "nope, not until February" I didn't mention that I'm expecting more than one- they shut her up pretty quickly! 

 Maternity clothes? Yup- I'm still wearing cardigans and a few other things from pre-pregnancy though (seriously, who buys a maternity cardigan??)

 Stretch marks? There are a few suspicious marks, but I'm not ready to admit defeat yet.

Sleep? Still good- I'm usually up about 2 times per night, but am able to fall right back asleep.

 Miss anything? If you guessed wardrobe, you would be correct! I hope I can bounce back to within 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight quickly- that will definitely open up many more wardrobe options!

Cravings? I'm still liking clementines (yay for eating fruit!) but don't be fooled... I still have at least one sweet treat per day.
Aversions? I don't really have aversions, but there aren't many meals that actually sound good.
Symptoms? My belly button is creepy looking... I may have scared my cousin who is in her first trimester when I showed her what happened to mine. I really am a fairly modest person, but I don't have much shame when it comes to showing off my belly button... Oh, and I now feel entitled to the last of all food items. Yesterday Justin made some chocolate chip cookies... there were plenty left when I went to work this morning, but when I got home they were all gone. I was irrationally upset that he ate "my" cookies... there is some kind of phenomenon where the last cookie, slice of pizza, etc. is always the best.

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