Thursday, December 13, 2012


It is no secret that I love to shop- especially online shopping... there is just something about coming home to a package! Over the past few weeks Justin and I have been busy stockpiling diapers... definitely not the most glamorous of packages to open, but something that is necessary.

After some quick googling, I discovered that we could easily spend upwards of $2k on diapers and wipes in the girls' first year of life. Cloth diapers can be a huge money saver (and they are adorable! Nothing like the nasty ones from 20 years ago) but Justin and I decided that going the disposable route is the best option for us right now... so I have made it my mission to get the best deals possible (because spending over $5 per day on something that just gets thrown away is not my idea of fun).

After reading reviews and talking with friends, I decided to go with Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive (aka the most expensive diaper on the market)... however with my shopping prowess I have been able to get the cost down to $0.19/diaper...versus the $0.25 per diaper they retail for at Target and $0.24 per diaper at Sam's Club. I know $0.06/diaper doesn't sound like that much, however the savings translates to about $10 per box.  I have found the best deals from there is free shipping on orders over $25, they often have coupons and promo codes, and you get 5% cash back on every order... plus I don't have to leave the house! Shopping online makes comparison shopping much easier too.

Figuring out a target savings price has been key for knowing when to stock up on diapers- after some online research I learned that $0.19/diaper is about the best price you can find without becoming a crazy coupon lady. I spend a little bit of time googling diaper deals each week- if I find anything at or below the $0.19 mark I place an order. I'm trying to order quite a few diapers before the girls come, as I figure I will have more time for shopping and research now, but I don 't want to go overboard and end up with more diapers than we can use (because having a stockpile of $50 worth of diapers in the wrong size would negate any savings).

Once the girls are a little bigger we have the potential to save even more. We decided for our sanity it would be worthy buying the top rated expensive diapers in the beginning, but once the girls are past the 12 diapers per day stage we are going to play around with store brand and other lower-cost diapers. I know some people have great success with Luv's... and at only $0.10 per diaper we could save $50+ per month... which could go to more important things, like shoes college savings.

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