Saturday, December 7, 2013

more fun with organization

I've been on a bit of a home organization kick lately. If only I enjoyed cleaning half as much as my little projects...

Up first was switching around storage in the kitchen cabinets.

We went from this:

(Yes, that is jenga you see stored in a kitchen cupboard... It has been moved downstairs where it belongs)

To this:

I then had some free cabinet space to play around with:

I want to get storage containers to house all my baking supplies- it would be a lot easier to track how much flour and what not I have if it was stored in a clear container.

While the girls were napping, an idea for purse storage popped into my head. It involved a table runner that I bought in my college days that was sitting in the goodwill pile and a hanger... Pretty simple, right?

All I needed was a scissors! No needle, thread, or hot glue gun required. I had enough fabric to make two of these handy dandy contraptions, so now my purse and diaper bag are kicked off the kitchen table and have a home in the entry closet. 

I am obsessed with the container store and am convinced I could spend a months salary there in a matter of minutes, but I love it when I can come up with easy solutions that are free or inexpensive.

Have any tips I should know about? Share them in the comments!

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