Wednesday, November 28, 2012

hello 3rd trimester

This week I had appointments with both the MFM and my regular OB. Everything is looking great! Baby A is breech and 2 pounds 8 ounces (51st percentile) and Baby B is vertex and 2 pounds 13 ounces (64th percentile). Size-wise the girls are right where my doctors want them to be, so hopefully they will  keep putting on the pounds. My OB said that as long as everything keeps going as well as it has been, I may not even go into labor on my own and need to be induced/have a scheduled c-section between 37-38 weeks... I really hope that is the case!

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain? Up 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks, for a grand total of 38 pounds total. Normal range for twins is to gain between 37-54 pounds, so I would be thrilled if I stayed within the recommended range, but I'm not going to stress if I gain a little extra.

 Maternity clothes? Still wearing a combination... although my only pant options are maternity, leggings, and the "magic pants" from my mom.

 Stretch marks? Not yet... regrettably, I did a google image search for "twin skin" and was scarred for life... here is to hoping my belly stays nice and stretch mark free.

Sleep? Pretty good- I usually wake up a couple of times during night to reposition, but for the most part I'm able to fall back asleep again quickly.

 Miss anything? Being able to pick things off the floor easily.

Cravings? Oreos.
Aversions? Nothing I can think of- just my usual picky eating habits.
Symptoms? I really don't have too much for symptoms- I don't have quite as much energy as I did pre-pregnancy... but as long as I listen to my body and rest when I need to I don't run into any problems.

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