Tuesday, October 2, 2012

20 weeks

I had another doctor appointment today, and everyone is doing great! I will continue to see my OB once a month and will see the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialist once a month. The MFM will perform growth scans to make sure the twins are on track. I forgot to mention the size of the twins in my last post- they were measuring 9 and 10 ounces. According to Dr. Google, average size of a singleton at 19 weeks is 8.47 ounces- lets hope they keep it up! The MFM will also monitor for signs of preterm labor, so if there are any complications down the road we should be able to catch it right away.

Today my OB mentioned that we have a big milestone coming up- the next time I see her is at 24 weeks, which is when viability begins. Once I make it past that milestone, the next is making it to 32 weeks, which is when the twins will be developed from a neurological standpoint. Justin and I are both hoping that the twins make it to at least 36 weeks (37-38 would be even better). I've been telling the girls that they will have several opportunities to rebel in their teen years, and that for now I want them to listen to their parents and stay put until the end of January :)

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain? Two pounds once again... I am definitely consistent! My OB said that my weight gain looked great... which immediately made me think "score! I can keep up my chocolate malt habit!". The vain part of me hopes that the weight gain slows to 1.5 pounds per week (I really want to avoid a Jessica Simpson situation), but I don't mind getting a little puffy if it means healthy babies.

 Maternity clothes? I continue to wear a combination of maternity and regular clothes. I am BFF's with my leggings, and have even worn them as pants on a few occasions. (For those who aren't familiar, my pre-pregnancy rule was that leggings could be worn in public only when your top was long enough to cover your butt. At this point in pregnancy, I've gone on walks around the neighborhood and to the grocery store with my legging-clad butt on display. I've rationalized this by telling myself that everyone is paying attention to my belly and nobody is looking at my butt. Maybe this type of thinking is how people start to become frumpy? Friends and family, if you ever see me in mom jeans get me to the mall STAT!).

 Stretch marks? Still stretch-mark free.

Sleep? Still going great! Today my OB warned me that sleep will probably become uncomfortable soon. Maybe I'll be a "magical pregnancy unicorn" (watch the movie what to expect when you're expecting) and avoid any problems with sleep.

Miss anything? Pants that both button and zip.

Cravings? Pizza, skittles (someone in this household ate an entire Halloween-sized bag over the course of a week... I think it might have been Justin), nerds, chocolate milk.
Aversions? If you guessed pork chops, you are correct! Over the past few weeks I have been able to start eating foods that made me nauseous earlier in pregnancy. I can once again have smoothies... which is a great way to make sure I get enough fruit.
Symptoms? Does needing a chocolate malt at least once per week count?


  1. Looks like it is a good thing Amanda had a July wedding! ☺


    1. I know! I would have had to buy a new dress! Or get panels installed.
