Sunday, August 5, 2012

Organized Closet

I took advantage of having an entire weekend to myself and went on a closet decluttering and organizing spree.

The first step was to take absolutely everything out of the closet. I purged rarely worn items (3 bags!) and packed away form fitting dresses and tops for after the babies come. I then arranged everything by color.

The biggest change is how I organize my jeans- I used to hang them all, but decided it would be more space-efficient to fold them.

I'm excited to have an organized space! I'm not sure how it will work to share with Justin though... I am already packed to the brim, and have another rack of clothes in the laundry room. Maybe he'll want to use one of the closets downstairs?

I'm looking forward to maternity fashion- I think a lot of the items I already own will work throughout pregnancy. I have tons of jackets and cardigans, which should work regardless of how big my belly gets. A couple of years ago I heard a piece of fashion advice from Heidi Klum that has stuck with me- she suggested wearing loose, flowy tops in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and wearing form fitting tops after you have a definite bump.

1 comment:

  1. laura! so excited to hear your news and find your blog!!!! how fun! love your style girl! we need to go shopping together sometime! keep me posted on those babers!
