Sunday, August 12, 2012

raiding mom's closet

Justin and I visited my parents over the weekend, and I had the chance to raid my mom's fabric closet. We have several options for quilts for the babies. I've never been a huge fan of traditional baby fabrics, so a lot of the fabric my mom happened to have on hand will be perfect.

 My mom is an over-achiever and has already whipped up two quilts to have at her house.
 The fabric in the green bucket and purple fabric (below) are some of my favorites. They are girly, but if we were to end up with two boys my mom could always use the quilts for something else.
We were able to find some boy fabric too- I like how this has a vintage feel to it.

This could maybe be gender-neutral- especially depending on what she chose for the binding and backing (wow, look at me talking like a professional quilter... I bet my mom thought she would never see the day!)

More gender neutral fabric...

This was supposed to be a picture of all of the fabric possibilities, but clearly she looked a little deeper in her closet and we found more options. I'm sure every time I visit we'll find more cute fabric.

My mom loves golden books, so she'll do something with this.

Flannel for burp cloths- these will be for at my parents' house too. It will be so handy to have extras of things at their house.

And for the crown jewel... because I have a specific vision for how I want the nursery to look my mom ordered fabric to make two Pottery Barn Kids inspired quilts. The babies (and me) are spoiled already... thanks Grandma Lu!

1 comment:

  1. I have almost all of that fabric, too. Your mom's taste has gotten better since I started quilting. :) or maybe she has always had good taste, my moms has certainly gotten better.
